Covid19 Cooked Food Response
Filmed May 16th 2020: 6 weeks into our Hackney Community Food Response Programme... With 'community' at the heart. Creating 800 meals over 2 days a week. Making 5-7 dishes each day with Surplus from The Felix Project, Edible London and Guru Maneyo Granth Gurdwara UK... and 150 bags of much needed additional fresh fruit and veg. Hackney Marsh-Partnership and young people from Concorde Youth lead on distributing the fresh fruit and veg and hot food deliveries to our local community in Hackney. Kingsmead Resident's association makes sure our own food waste goes into their compost beds. This short film is made by local young filmmakers @ACP Network, Adefemzo, whose also out delivering to his neighbours as well as making these videos... Everyday the goodness grows. As of May 30th we make 1000 meals a week... and we're gonna add creativity packs and activities for additional nourishment... cause we know our spirits need feeding just as well as our bellies. This little video is some of the team in action: @Kiran Chahal, @Stefan Khosravi, James McSmart, @Jakline, Lola, Rosie, Chantal, oh...and RJ on deliveries. you can find out more at: